Pain Free Postural Alignment Therapy
Are you in pain?
Do you have a chronic injury that prevents you from doing the things you enjoy?
Do want to improve your performance?
Do you get nagging injuries that do not seem to clear up?
Pain Free Postural Therapy has a 94% success rate, all without the use of manipulation, drugs or surgery. Developed by renowned anatomical physicist Pete Egoscue, postural therapy is used by therapists the world over to put an end to chronic pain, rehabilitate injuries, improve general health and posture, prepare the inactive for more vigorous exercise, and boost athletic performance.
Postural therapy is used by people from all walks of life, from pro athletes to the elderly to rid themselves of pain. David is an Egoscue University approved provider.
Learn how David's philosophy helps clients reach their goals through the application of multiple modalities.
Clients love David because he helps them get results when many others have failed. Find out why they rave about him.
Expert Postural Therapist who works in multiple modalities, David brings more than 20 years of experience to each client.